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Messages output by the endpoint are encoded in JSON format. The messages output when calling the endpoint will have the form of an Event Object as detailed below.

Event Object#

The Event Object will contain all available fields which describe a flight observed by ADS-B and each is identified by a unique flight_id. It is delivered in the following format: {"event": {...}}. All fields included in the Event object are described below.


Event object information#

The fields in this table are taken directly from ADS-B messages:

icao_addressstringHexadecimal representation of ICAO 24-bit address"406AE2"
callsignstringCall sign"BAW41HA"
latitudefloatLatitude in degrees, between -90 and 90 (both inclusive)52.331326
longitudefloatLongitude in degrees, between -180 (exclusive) and 180 (inclusive)4.716759
speedfloatAircraft speed in knots477
headingfloatAircraft heading in degrees (0 is North)310

Spire Event object metadata#

These fields are merged into each record to provide additional information regarding the ADS-B message:

flight_idIDSpire internal unique flight ID in UUID format."149f14c0-ec7e-4150-8b6f-cbecebaac8b5"
timestampdatetimeTimestamp for which all data fields are valid"2023-02-25T20:56:54.000Z"
creation_timedatetimeTimestamp at which the flight event was created"2023-02-25T20:57:02.000Z"
extrapolatedbooleanConfirmation of whether event is extrapolated"true", "false"

Aircraft Information#

The following fields are enhanced data and may be present in the record depending on availability:

tail_numberstringAircraft Registration"G-EUYV"

Flight Information#

The following fields are enhanced data and will be present in the record depending on availability:

flight_numberstringFlight number (IATA format)"BA441"

Flight Analytics#

The following fields are enhanced data and may be present in the record depending on availability:

event_typestringEvent type assigned at creation_time"NEW_FLIGHT", "TAKEOFF", "LANDING", "OFF_BLOCK", "ON_BLOCK"
statestringFlight state"ON_GROUND", "AIRBORNE", "LANDED", "POST-FLIGHT"


Here is an example of a typical Event Object broadcast by our API:
